Fountain for Hiring Managers

Fountain for Hiring Managers

Improve your pipeline with a simplified application to hire the right candidates for your business

Don’t let clunky technology prevent you from hiring quickly.

You need top talent to start working, fast. But bottlenecks are slowing things down. It doesn’t have to be this way. 

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Overwhelming responsibilities

You need to staff operations quickly to keep customers happy, but hiring isn’t your only job. 

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High turnover rates

High turnover rates for hourly positions leave you constantly filling vacancies and forced to keep a healthy talent pipeline and manage a steady flow of candidates.

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Minimal budget

You don’t have the time or resources to spend on acquiring (and training) new talent. You need qualified applicants who will show up on day one. 

Time-to-fill is the number of days from when the job requisition opens until the candidate accepts the offer.
33 days
The average time-to-fill an open position (SHRM)

An ATS for hiring hourly workers

With Fountain, make hiring easy with automation, efficiency, and customization.

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Hire the right people

Connect with best-fit candidates faster through smart workflows, and ensure you’re only spending time on the most qualified applicants. 

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Get workers to day one on the job

Leverage automation and speed within the hiring process to save organizational time and resources.

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Make fast decisions

Save time by automating mundane tasks, and spend your energy on high-impact interactions with qualified candidates.

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Simplify your hiring

Take advantage of a customizable and easy-to-use tool that will increase hiring efficiency and enable you to build the right funnel based on your needs and openings. 

Built for hiring managers


Fill open roles faster

Accelerate hiring through the power of automation and AI to find, screen, and schedule interviews with candidates. 


Automate hiring tasks

Hiring is a never-ending priority, but it’s not your only responsibility. Automate time-intensive tasks so you can stay focused on other mission-critical functions. 


Mobile-first technology

Screen, interview, and hire applicants in real time on desktop or mobile devices—anywhere, anytime. 


Live and recorded video interviews

Schedule live interviews or collect pre-recorded interviews to ensure you’re getting the best people for your top customer-facing roles.


Easy assessments

Use assessments to measure skills, aptitude, personality, and emotional intelligence to predict culture fit and job performance.



Use Fountain’s drag-and-drop workflow editor to adjust hiring stages as needed and edge out retail competition during busy hiring seasons, like annual holidays.

Within 4 months of using Fountain, Turas Group communicated with more than 10,000 applicants and filled more than 200 positions, while bringing the average time-to-offer from 2 weeks down to 3 days.
3 days