Benefits of Technology in Recruiting

Author Rob Sicat

In a world where we can order self-driving car services and cherry pick specific genetic sequences to make a more perfect offspring, it’s flabbergasting how some industries have either eschewed or refused to integrate using technology to recruit employees. Human resources and recruiting departments — consider the finger pointed in your direction!

As job candidates continue to become more savvy with the way they search, network and apply for jobs, those who are actually engaged in all of that hiring can sometimes be light years behind when it comes to the use of newfound technology. Outdated, inefficient practices are stifling many recruiting and HR departments, and many of these problems have simple technological fixes just chomping at the bit to make everything run that much more smooth and effective. The future of hiring is very much in the here and now, and it’s time to embrace the benefits of recruiting software.


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Benefits of recruiting: Noteworthy Statistics

It’s certainly important to understand why leveraging technology is essential for the hiring process these days, and trends and statistics help paint an irrefutable picture that those who embrace technology are reaping huge benefits.Here are some important stats that show the benefits of using technology in recruitment and selection:

So, what lessons can HR professionals and recruiters learn from these statistics? For starters, to remain competitive for top talent, staying plugged into social media is crucial. Additionally, adopting mobile-friendly processes for things like job applications is a much faster and more effective way to attract and connect with a more savvy applicant pool. Leveraging the benefits of using technology in recruitment and selection is easy to adopt and requires little in the way of work can speed up any hiring process and make great strides in the way of efficiency and convenience.

Secondly, a more comprehensive hiring system can drastically cut down on inefficiencies that plague the hiring process by using technology to recruit employees. An application process should be short, sweet and to the point. Not only is a long and cumbersome application process tedious for applicants, but it hurts many businesses when it comes to their time-to-fill, meaning integral positions remain open for much longer. Automation is a key component of this, and there are many hiring automation tools and software available that can completely overhaul a bloated and ineffective hiring protocol into something shiny and new that actually works!

Benefits of recruitment software: Automation

Fully embracing technology in recruitment and selection means adopting tools and software that will automate menial tasks and improve the hiring process ten-fold. That’s where hiring automation tools come into play. A comprehensive and tech-fueled hiring solution will also enable recruiters to better track applicants and their position in the hiring process.

Hiring automation platforms and software, like Fountain, can transform even the most inefficient hiring process into a well-oiled machine. Fountain’s comprehensive hiring engine comes complete with automated features essential to every hire, including scheduling, background checks, document signing, training and on-boarding, follow-up SMS and email communication, data collection and more.

These automated hiring platforms can also assist companies with hiring more applicants, especially in scenarios where a substantial amount of hires need to be made in a short amount of time. Not only will a hiring automation platform streamline and simplify the hiring process, it will lessen the workload for recruiters and HR departments, siphon administrative costs and help save money in the long run. These are just a few of the important benefits of using technology in recruitment and selection.

Someone holding a cell phone

Benefits of recruitment software for the Applicant Experience

Hiring is a two-way street — the process and system a company sets up needs to be efficient, effective and inexpensive while attracting the best possible talent around. On the flip side, to get the cream of the crop, recruiters need to keep the applicant experience in mind. The benefits of using technology in recruitment and selection can streamline many tedious systems to make a more user-friendly and desirable process for applicants. Candidate job portals, automatic tools on job boards, employee onboarding portals and referral networks are all great tech solutions to revamp and redefine the hiring process for applicants so it’s not such a time-consuming drag. As a bonus, many of these integrated and automated tools make for a more collaborative hiring experience on both ends that translates into a more cost-effective strategy.

Conclusion: Using technology to recruit employees

Whether it’s streamlining an outdated hiring process, more effectively utilizing hiring personnel, shortening the hiring cycle, attracting better quality candidates or decreasing administrative costs, the answer always falls on technology! As many industries make leaps and bounds when it comes to technology they create and adopt, the hiring and recruiting industry is surprisingly falling behind. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. Between more user-friendly applicant portals, the free and information wealthy landscape of social media, mobile-centric strategies and hiring automation systems, there’s no shortage of options for recruiters and HR professionals when it comes to adopting technology to revolutionize and improve how hiring gets executed.


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About the Author

Director, Product

Rob Sicat

Rob is an experienced product and design leader and currently the head of a Fountain team that is building hiring tools for the future. He has spent the last decade working with startups of all sizes across product management and design.