2024 Frontline Hiring Benchmark Report

Fountain has teamed up with pay analytics provider, Labor Titan, in this 2024 Frontline Hiring Benchmark Report that covers frontline hiring data such as hire rate, time-to-hire, application volume, pay, and wage growth in the period between January and June of 2024. We will cover the Behavioral Health, Delivery, Fast Food, Nursing, and Transportation sectors.

The frontline hiring market has started to rebalance after the pandemic, but the current hiring landscape has seen recruitment teams reduced and budgets slashed. Having the right hiring data at your fingertips is the key to benchmarking performance and optimization of processes. For each sector, Fountain offers tips for improving efficiency within your hiring workflow. Learn more about the product features that have helped global employers scale their hiring, process millions of applications, and reduce their time-to-hire from weeks to just days.

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